
Let's discuss Motherhood shall we? While we're at it lets talk about Mothers who hide out in the closet when the baby is crying and the toddler is whining. Let's gossip about the Mother's who let their babies sleep on their bellies in the crib because they stay asleep longer. Or better yet, the Mothers who leave their babies at home to go to work trying to be some big shot career woman. The ones that get me are the ones who wear the same big t-shirt all the time everywhere they go. Do you see how they always pull their hair back in that ponytail? Oh and can't forget the Mothers who give their children cereal for dinner because it's just too much sometimes. Let's talk about them all. Let's embrace them. Give them a hug. At the end of the day, no matter which Mother you identify with you are successful if the house is still standing at the end of the day and all the kids are alive! You'll figure it all out another day.

Welcome to my space. I identify with all of those Mothers mentioned above. I am a Mother of four absolutely magnificent children. Children who I would die for, fight for and live for. Children who I would throw away today and hold closer than my own skin. I am also a Wife and a Nurse. Did I also mention I'm an introvert? So let's see how well this blogging stuff goes. It won't all just be about Motherhood....there will be other things to discuss I'm sure.

Hopefully you will travel with me as I unravel and stitch myself together again. Trust me there has been a lot of unraveling and a lot of stitching. As a matter of fact I might be unraveling again......Yikes!


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